What is Waterfall Models Step by Step?
Waterfall Models Step by Step is an online video-based course that teaches the basics of real estate equity waterfall modeling in Excel, to beginners who want a head start, and industry professionals who want to plug the gaps in their education.
Whether you’re brand new to commercial real estate or a seasoned pro that wants to brush up on your skills, this course will give you a solid foundation to build and understand a variety of real estate equity waterfall models.
The training is released in 10 separate modules and consists of easy-to-follow videos, done-for-you templates, worksheets, and step-by-step case studies. All of the training is online, contained in the private member only site.
During the course we’ll walk through the basics of waterfall model structures, cover Excel formulas commonly used in waterfall models, and then we'll build three different waterfall models from scratch: a 3-Tier IRR waterfall model, a waterfall model with a catchup provision, and an equity multiple based waterfall model. By the end of this course you’ll know how to build these waterfall models from scratch in Excel. You'll also have the basic building blocks to build a variety of waterfall models in your day to day work. Plus, you’re a student for life. That means you can review and retake the program for free for as long as the program exists.