What is CRE Investment Analysis Fundamentals?
Investment Analysis Fundamentals is an online interactive video-based course that teaches the foundations of real estate investment analysis to beginners who want a head start and industry professionals who want to plug the gaps in their education.
Whether you’re brand new to commercial real estate or a seasoned pro that wants to brush up on your skills, this course will give you a solid foundation and a deep intuition to operate at your highest level.
The training is released in 6 separate modules and consists of easy-to-follow videos, done-for-you templates, worksheets, and step-by-step case studies. All of the training is online, contained in the private member only site.
During the course we’ll walk through an office building acquisition step-by-step, detailing the cash flow projections, various investment ratios, and a full discounted cash flow analysis. By the end of this course you’ll be equipped to analyze and compare potential investment properties on a before-tax basis to ultimately make well informed decisions.
Plus, you’re a student for life. You can retake the program for free for as long as the program exists.